Life's a Beach Summer Sensory Bin
Summer may almost be over, but the fun doesn't have to stop! Read on for what you need to make our Life's a Beach sensory bin. It's still sizzling outside in Austin! Bring Summer inside with our Life's a Beach Sensory Bin. Great for kiddos ages 3 and up. Jingle pearls in a glass bottle, design sand art with your rake, make seashell impressions, and fill your pail again and again. Dig, bury, sift, or shake - the possibilities are endless! What You Need: 5 Starfish 10 Shells 15 Pearls 5 lbs Sand (Home Depot) 1 Mini Beach Pail Set (Party City)* 1 Mini Glass Bottle w/ Cork (Michaels) 2 Mini Sand Rakes 1 Plastic Bin with Latching Lid (we recommend 15.5 qt) *Seasonal item not currently available online or in store. Try this version from Oriental Trading (not quite as good quality). Or skip the plastic toys and use this metal mini pail instead. Tried it? Love it? Let us know! Tag @busybebesatx with #summersensorybin. Live in Austin? Check out our Local Events page to see where we're popping up around town. Meet us there, and pick up a sensory bin for $38.95- a fraction of the cost to make it yourself! Disclaimer: busy bébés is not affiliated with any of the companies linked or mentioned in this post. We do not earn any money for product purchases or advertisement. All opinions are our own.