5 Trick-or-Treat Alternatives to Candy
We have a particular love-hate relationship with Halloween. Love the books, the decorations, the costumes, the festivals, and new traditions like Booing your neighbors! Hate. All. The. Candy. Here we've compiled a list of too-adorable-for-words alternatives to handing out candy this Halloween. Plus a bonus idea for what to do with the candy pile your little one collects while trick-or-treating! 5 Healthy, No Candy Alternatives 1. Fang-Tastic Treats LOVE this idea. What better way to convey the idea that sugar = cavities?! Parents will love you for it too. 2. Pumpkins, Mummies, and Frankenstein Oh My! Wrap or bag those pouches (bonus if you use the Halloween versions already in stores) for a hauntingly good treat full of good-for-you fruits and veggies. You can also wrap with orange duct tape and use a sharpie to draw on Jack-O-Lantern faces! 3. Witches' Brooms Via @NorthStory.ca This one is a little more involved, but one of the cutest ideas we've seen by far! Toddlers to teenagers go crazy for glow sticks and will be thrilled with this treat. 4. Spider Rings This one is easy and always a favorite. Trick-or-treaters can don them right away with absolutely no sugar of any kind involved. Instant gratification! Click the link for our free generic printable (sans busy bébés). Print on card stock, cut, attach rings and violá! Purchase rings from Amazon in a variety of Halloween colors for a simple, stand-out treat! 5. Halloween Party Favors You can buy them in bulk from stores like Party City, Amazon, Oriental Trading, or AliExpress. Some of our favorites include: spooky wind up toys, a Halloween treasure chest, Jack-O'-Lantern stress balls, and Halloween character finger puppets. No assembly or crafting required! The Switch Witch You've got a great idea for a healthy, kid-approved treat to hand-out on Halloween, but what do you do with the buckets full of candy your own littles bring home?? Welcome the Switch Witch - kiddos get their fill (or however much you want them to have) of candy on Halloween night, then leave the rest on the front porch for the Switch Witch. She flies in on her broom while they sleep and trades their candy for something they've been eyeing instead. Everyone wins! But wait, what do you do with all that candy? Hide a stash for those moments when YOU need some sweet relief and donate the rest to you/your others' office, troops overseas, NICU doctors/nurses/parents (or any other charitable organization), or save for teachers' gifts! Disclaimer: busy bébés is not affiliated with any of the companies/products linked or mentioned in this post. We do not earn any money for product purchases or advertisement. All opinions are our own.