4th of July Sensory Bin
Julie Hildebrand
4th of July Fireworks may be on hold due to COVID this year, but that doesn't mean the fun has to stop! This sensory bin will bring all the fun, even while social distancing. Glow sticks add another layer of sensory play and are reminiscent of fireworks! Materials Clear Mini Discs Red, White and Blue Glow Sticks Red, White and Blue Glitter Ball Filler Foam Glitter Stars Uncle Sam Top Hats Clear Candy Scoop Red, White and Blue Containers for sorting Note: I was unable to find the star dishes I purchased last year, but any small plastic or paper containers will work. If they are solid colored, your little can sort items by color in them. Disclaimer: busy bébés is not affiliated with any of the companies linked or mentioned in this post. We do not earn any money for product purchases or advertisement. All opinions are our own.